In some languages, there are several words that cannot be literary translated into other languages. Usually, these words best describe the culture or lifestyle of the country. The infographic provides a list of 11 untranslatable words from different countries around the world. They are fun, bizarre, romantic, beautiful or just one of a kind.
The first word comes from Sweden and means excitement before travelling such as „travel fever". Next, in Portuguese, the word „Saudade" means a nostalgic longing for someone long lost.
Furthermore, there are words from Germany, United Kingdom and Scotland. It is interesting that the word „eleutheromania" derived from Ancient Greek but is used in the UK. Surprisingly or not, the list includes a word from Japanese - „tsundoku". The infographic also showcases words from Indonesia, Turkey, Spain and Denmark. Of course, the French word „trouvaille" express the whole idea of the infographic - to accidentally discover something beautiful. Read the full infographic share it with your friends.